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Dinosaur Digs
Microsoft have announced there is to be an expansion pack released in May of this year, on this page I hope to keep you informed on this and to tell you a bit about it.

The game will include more than 20 new animals including T-rex, Velociraptor, and Sabre-toothed cat.

There will be new building materials and staff members, prehistoric themed buildings and attractions, tar pits, volcanos and of course electrified fencing, you wouldn't want your velociraptors escaping now, would you?

Special staff members will include, research scientists and a dinosaur recovery team.
There will also be six new scenarios to test your skills.

You can mix dinosaurs in exhibits with other animals to draw in the crowds, perhaps you'd like to see what happened when you put a T-rex in with a penguin. My bets on the penguins!

All Zoo Tycoon and Dinosaur Digs pictures are copyright of the Microsoft corporation